Belmont and Gilesgate

Neighbourhood Plan

What is a neighbourhood plan?

Belmont Parish Council and Gilesgate Residents’ Association are preparing a Neighbourhood Plan (NP) for our area.

A NP lasts for 15 years and puts in place planning policies to guide future development. It can cover the use of land and key sites as well as a range of social, economic, and environmental issues including housing, employment, heritage, community facilities and transport.

Once adopted it forms part of the County Durham Development Plan, has legal status and planning applications for the area will be assessed against NP
policies. This means that whenever a planning application is submitted the applicant can see whether residents have set out what they would like to see in a particular location

Our key themes

Our key themes are summarised in the boxes below. Click the theme to find out more details about the work that we are doing in relation to each theme.

Unallocated Land

This covers predominantly ‘green areas’  which should remain as such, as well as land that might be used, in the future, for housing, commercial and business developments. The theme links to the other specific topics, that are being investigated.

Retail and Leisure

This covers existing provision, including hospitality businesses in the designated area and their proximity to residential estates. Where there is a need for additional shops, recreational and hospitality venues these could be incorporated into the Plan, with safeguards put in place restricting change of use of existing sites.

Housing in our area

Initial public consultations suggest there is a need for affordable housing, appropriate living accommodation for the elderly and residents with mobility challenges. A housing needs assessment is being progressed which will aid the formulation of policies possibly linked to unallocated land.

University Development

Durham University is a major contributor to the economic well being of the city including the NP area. However, its continued expansion into Belmont and Gilesgate principally affecting housing stock, is having an effect on balanced and sustainable communities.

Environmental Sustainability

Environmental issues arising from climate change have a profound impact on the lives of residents and these will increase in the future. Possible policies for the NP area covering sustainable living, transportation, design of homes and buildings as well as lifestyle are being explored.

Features and Facilities

Apart from commercial provision of retail and leisure, residents depend on a wide range of public services, public spaces and non profit making community organisations. Implications for the maintenance of this provision in the light of government expenditure policies and challenges in attracting volunteers are being considered.

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