Present: Richard Hornby, Lesley Mavin, John Ashby, Patrick Conway, John Hutchinson, Pat Conway
- Apologies. Chris Fletcher, Carole Lattin
- Notes of the previous meeting agreed
3 Matters Arising
a) Supplementary Planning Documents. Submissions on Local Nature Recovery Strategy, Solar panels and Housing Need have been forwarded
b) Date for the public meeting is 10 June 7pm at Belmont Community Centre
4 NP Newsletter
Has now been received from the printers. Priority is delivery to all GRA households in advance of the AGM on 27 April. Richard coordinating volunteers.
Distribution in the parish area to take place in May
- NP Public Meeting 10 June
a) Agreed to consider, in late May, a flyer for distribution in the unparished area and a poster advertising the public meeting. Costs to be met by BPC. Richard, Lesley and Patrick to liaise in due course
b) Agreed a map of the NP area, highlighting sites identified for protection from development, should be available at the meeting. Richard to pursue. Costs to be met by BPC
c) Agreed, that after a short introduction and update, the meeting would concentrate on the Housing theme, based on the Housing Needs Assessment report prepared by AECOM. Half a dozen copies of the report will be provided by BPC for use by NPWG
- NP Public Meeting 10 June, Housing theme consultation
The format of the discussions will depend on numbers attending. Agreed to structure these around the key sections in the AECOM report, highlighting conclusions and requesting views on the various matters raised. Where necessary attention would be drawn to the relationship of Housing with the other themes.
a) Tenure and affordability. Noting AECOM consider there will be a need for 339 affordable homes over the NP period up to 2040, views will be invited
• about the mix between ownership and rental
• about eligibility and any priority for local residents and those working in Durham
• where should any building take place and where should it not
b) Type and size. AECOM note the majority of properties currently are three bed semis. Views will be invited
• is there sufficient housing stock for families
• whether in terms of affordability, new properties should have one or two bedrooms
• about the mix between semis, terraced, and low rise blocks
• what about the a mix between single households and young family starter homes
c) Specialist Housing. It is projected that by 2040 the number of over 75s in the NP area will increase form 1616 to 2536 by 2040. This could mean a need for an additional 231 to 376 additional units over the NP period. In addition AECOM consider there may be a requirement for up to 60 additional Care Home spaces. Views will be invited
• about bungalows or multi generational houses
• technical standards and the pros and cons of M4 (2) or M4 (3)
• where should any new developments take place
d) Houses in Multiple Occupation. AECOM conclude the NP could propose additional requirements for the area that would supplement Policy 16 and the Article 4 direction. Views would be invited
• about amendments covering for example the ‘sandwich’ and how the 100 m radius is defined
e) Second Homes. AECOM conclude, that even allowing for Airbnb properties, the numbers in the NP area are not significant
• are there any views
- Other business
a) Noted BPC will consider setting up an earmarked reserve for the NP at its meeting on 11 April
b) Next meeting 16 May, 9.30 am Belmont Community Centre when Stuart Carter and Chloe Hillman will be invited.