LM PC and RH met with Chloe Hillam and Stuart Carter DCC We gave them an update on our progress so far. They had read the HNA and had a few questions / suggestions / additions, for example, there was no reference to homelessness, and they suggested we had a discussion with the housing and adults’ needs team – a meeting has been arranged Friday 7th June online from 3 to 4
Action: LM RH and CL to attend the online meeting
Chloe and Stuart can both attend the public meeting on 10th June
For success stories from other parish neighbourhood plans, they have suggested we contact the parish’s direct.
Action: LM to contact parish clerks to gather examples of successes
•CL raised a concern regarding houses within the county being rented by private companies for children with emotional and behavioural difficulties.
•RH shared the attached document – Public Meeting 10th June, Proposed Agenda
It is envisaged that items 1 to 3 would take approx. 20 minutes, Items 4 to 8 an hour or so, Summary – 10 to 15 minutes
Action: A volunteer is needed for item 2
Splitting into groups for items 4 to 8 would be dependent on how many members of the public turn up, and how many leaders we have
Adrienne will be doing some posters as a reminder for residents within the GRA area – Action: To display the posters in prominent places around the Gilesgate area.
The ‘Features and Facilities’ document needs completing RH to share the remaining places between members. Once completed LM will summarise and edit.
Action: RH to email members with details of areas with the features and facilities document to complete
Action: LM to summarise and edit the document once completed
Parish council have now applied to sign up to PSGA – Public Sector Geospatial Agreement. Once log in details for portal have been received LM will share with members
Action: LM to share portal log in details for PSGA
Following the public meeting it was agreed that we should consider engaging with local businesses and premises, including Sugartree and Appletree
A joint meeting with Belmont parish and GRA was proposed for November – to consider sustainability and the environment.