Present: Richard Hornby, John Ashby, Patrick Conway, Carole Lattin, Val Hawes, Chris Fletcher
- Apologies. Lesley Mavin, John Hutchinson, Pat Conway
- Notes of the previous meeting on 16 May agreed
3 Update on funding
Noted applications for both general grants and technical support were now being invited by Locality for 2024/25. Successful applications had been made in 2023/24 for a general grant of £1123 to cover room hire and the second newsletter and a technical support award to cover the Housing Needs assessment report. It was agreed not to submit applications in the current year, recognising that preparation of the final draft was likely to require support in 2025/26.
4. Review of Features and Facilities narrative
Noted Lesley had agreed to complete this section. Richard identified sections requiring completion and tentative allocations were agreed
Durham Alliance for Community Care CF and PC
Clever Clogs Nursery RH to check website
Grinstead grassed area LM
St Thomas More school VH to liaise with Chris Tate
Mullards PC
Pelaw View Centre LM
5 Discussion on themes
a) Sustainability theme. Noted it had been agreed a joint meeting between GRA and BPC with other invitees should be scheduled for November. Agreed this would take place at Belmont Community Centre, 7pm, 21st November. PC/LM to check availability. If unavailable an alternative venue to be pursued.
b) Possible review of themes. Following a general discussion on the overlap between Features & Facilities and Retail & Leisure; a possible need for greater focus on Transport & Traffic; and the local economy. Agreed this should be substantive item for the next meeting. Felt that the general matter of engagement with local businesses could usefully be considered by BPC. CF agreed to action
6 Housing
Notes of the public meeting on 10 June, previously circulated. These formed the basis of a discussion on potential policies
a) Tenure and Affordability. All bullet points agreed
b) Type and Size. All bullet points agreed
c) Specialist Housing. All bullet points agreed. Work being undertaken by Dorothy Hamilton noted
d) Houses in multiple occupation. First three bullet points agreed, but not the last two. These were beyond the scope of a NP
e) Second Homes and AirBnB. Conclusions of the meeting noted, but these were beyond the scope of a NP
PC agreed to produce a draft section on Housing policies
Next meeting and agenda.
23 September 2024, 3pm at Belmont Community Centre. PC to check availability
Agenda items – Arrangements for Sustainability meeting 21st November; Features & Facilities narrative; Review of themes; Housing policies.